NOW IS THE TIME TO OWN YOUR OWN! Pekin Real Estate Agent

Betty Kaebel Pekin Illinois Realtor


Office: (309) 347-6677

Cell: (309) 678-4565

Fax: (309) 347-1191




Get Ready to Sell

Selling your home can be exciting, but it also takes work. You’ll need to fix all those little problems you’ve let go for so many years. And you’ll need to be patient! Selling your home can take time. To increase your chances of selling your home quickly and for top dollar make sure it will attract a lot of buyers.


1. Curb Appeal - You want the first impression a buyer gets of your home to be positive and inviting. Keep your lawn tidy and well groomed. If necessary, wash the exterior including the windows and shutters.


2. Spruce up the Interior - Put a fresh coat of neutral paint on the walls to brighten the rooms. Wash all the floors and tile. Clean carpets.


3. Remove Clutter- Often a seller is moving because they've outgrown the existing space. You don't want to give a buyer the impression that your home is too small. Consider renting a storage unit for excess furniture and belongings. Have a garage sale!


4. Make Necessary Repairs - The little things that you've grown accustomed to will jump right out at a buyer. So, make sure your every thing is in tip top shape.


5. Eliminate odors - Pet or cigarette smells will stop a prospective buyer in their tracks! Remove the offense, but go one step beyond. On the day you're home is being shown, pop a batch of cinnamon rolls or a loaf of bread in the oven for a great and welcoming aroma.